June 2024
Today in #timsays
Since February’s summit, 24 people (plus guides) have been meeting monthly in 8 peer-to-peer groups. Each of these groups are on my personal calendar so I can be reminded that over two dozen people across the country are pursuing what it means to uncover the church of tomorrow together!
That is what excites me about the potential of Diffuse Network, and the stories that are emerging:
One in our network, inspired by the house building story, has begun to put the framework together to plan a similar building trip bringing together co-workers and friends so they can experience the mystery of God! Another has been helping a friend launch a non-profit to provide children born with Arthrogryposis (a condition that causes a hardening of muscles and tendons in the joints) with robotic feeders to allow children to feed themselves. So far this year they have provided robotic feeders for two additional children with a goal of three more in 2023! And another has launched her own young entrepreneurs group with both believers and non-believers.
There are more, and many of these things are just getting traction, we can’t wait to see how the mystery of God is revealed in these spaces!
But, for some of us, we are also hitting the valley of the entrepreneur’s journey.
I feel it my own journey.
We’re three months in…it isn’t as easy as we thought it might be… enthusiasm of 40 people in the room in Charleston is gone…maybe your triad is great, but they aren’t your dugout on the ground…maybe you’ve tried to get something started, but it isn’t gaining the momentum you had hoped 🙋♂️. Life is busy, other things are pressing for my attention…but the dream still calls me.
That is normal!
In fact…that is more normal than success at this stage! That is why we are here, that is why we are doing this together!
Last week I had the chance to talk with a friend who has started a couple of successful companies and teaches entrepreneurship at a local university. He was telling me how much peer to peer accountability would help him, even as an experienced entrepreneur.
You are not alone!
We believe completely that God has placed a kingdom dream in you that people need, and we are committed to helping bring it into the world!
Don’t give up!
If you feel like you need additional time to discern, brainstorm, pray, whiteboard or more specific coaching – don’t hesitate to reach out to connect with myself, Pete or Angie. If we aren’t the right person, we’ll help connect you with someone who can.
Uncovering the church of tomorrow is too important! The work is too good!!
Picture of a Discovery Lab started by another that is helping other people also identify and live out their kingdom calling